Handwashing Initiative In Peru
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Does Robaxin Build Up In Your System
Here I show that I knitted for that beauty!
As things are now in the hands of the mother, Graciela , then the public:
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Used Rowing And Paddle Boats For Sale
you Rosana told a friend that you were stealing their jobs.
I could not believe when I read ... I went to see it and I checked! A woman's blog
http://tejidos-al-crochet-ya-dos-agujas.blogspot.com/ being mentioned as own work, work of a dear friend: the blog Titina http://mistejidoscreados.blogspot.com/
In this post (one of many) publishes all works like it! And they're all my friend ...
And I know for sure ...
In the first photo is my friend who is posing! The jobs to baby were made for the baby for another dear friend, who at that time we were waiting to be born! Other works
is posing another friend ...
And this ... worst:
I'm in that picture ...
This woman says she has shared with me, births, marriages, etc ...
By God! If you do not even know what I've been!
I can not believe ... really do not understand how a person can be so bad, so dishonored.
I wish someone could do something against this.
From my little place, this is my contribution: denounce this person.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Hexadog Vaccine For Dogs
late yesterday went to the doctor and confirmed the diagnosis we had been guessing throughout the day.
Rafa has stomatitis. We have
pretty tough few days ahead.
The doctor gives you a kind of mouthwash (a formulation that we prepared the pharmacist) to put it in your mouth. Since
Rafa can not do it, basically that would swallow us make the product and recommended that the child Haerle suck ....
So far so easy. He did not say is that the product saba-ray in question ....
Can you imagine the fight to get the damn cotton in the mouth and store it for a while. Tonight
guard Cedric has done. All night rocking and soothing crying ...
I've been sleeping like an angel ...
Dr. Elías Jiménez F. There
very mild infections in children, but also complain of symptoms that occur and their duration, belonging to this group a type of infection in the mouth known as stomatitis, or "thrush" to use a more popular term.
The most common of them is called acute herpetic stomatitis, caused by Herpes simplex virus type I.
It occurs mainly in children between 1 and 5 years of age and is usually characterized by a run with high fever and malaise, the children refuse to eat and have excessive salivation.
After 1 or 2 days lesions appear inside the mouth , with redness, as small blisters that break easily and form small ulcers or thrush, very painful especially when the child try to eat something.
Although this is a benign disease, and l problem is pain, difficulty eating the , which makes the child feel bad and lose weight. The illness lasts about seven days , regardless of treatment we use, so desperate parents even more patient.
Like all diseases, in some children the disease occurs in very mild, with a few injuries and sometimes without fever, and other presents a more severe dehydration may even occur as a complication the lack of fluid intake and high fever. About 90% of adults have antibodies against the virus, indicating that once had the disease.
Once cured the infection, the virus remains "asleep" in the mouth, and may recover up to 40% of patients, which means that the infection may recur in a milder form, on especially when for some reason down the body's defense mechanisms: in the presence of other infections, under stress, after excessive sun bathing, etc..
Other mouth infections that may mimic herpetic stomatitis, and it is important that the physician examine the child and confirm the diagnosis.
How to prevent infection? : The infection is transmitted through saliva and close contact with people who have the virus, so it is necessary to keep patients in isolation, be especially careful with utensils and thoroughly wash hands frequently, especially whether to attend to other children.
What treatment should receive a child with this infection? : It is very important to know what to do and what NOT to do.
1. Diet: children should receive plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration . It is advisable not to use acidic liquids like orange juice, because they increase the pain in the mouth, like a bottle. It is better then use cold liquid , ladle or vessel, as better accepted. The ice cream, gelatin and soft foods without salt and lukewarm, better tolerated .
not force the child to eat if he wants , it is better to be more insistent with liquid than other foods.
2. High temperature and general discomfort can be controlled using acetaminophen, which also decreases the pain.
3. In very young children can be dangerous the use of local anesthetics, especially by the possibility of aspiration.
4. In the elderly, when they cooperate, they can be used with commercial mouthwashes. The combination of Benadryl, Kaopectate has shown some usefulness to reduce local discomfort.
5. Antibiotics should not be used since they are not effective and may cause unnecessary complications. In special cases, in the presence of associated problems may be prescribed, but always under strict medical supervision.
6. The only antiviral with some action in the acyclovir herpetic stomatitis. Not for use in all patients, only those with special characteristics that must be carefully examined by the pediatrician
7. Patience is an essential part of treatment .