Thursday, March 24, 2011 Server Down November 2010

lice ...

The other day when I arrived at the door of the nursery siguiete see the sign: "parmis nous sont les Poux (lice are among us) ...
I was bowlegged. Yaaaaa ????? As kids and just after two sunny afternoons?? For

have not gone home and thank goodness for that Rafa usually sleeps the end of the night in our bed and that lead me to an inevitable contagion (as the last time I cut my hair, after the camp, 2001).
I then started to scratch just thinking about and planning a defensive barrier (colony antiojos, lice shampoo ...). Cedric
a little naive I say "bah, if adults can not have lice" Comoooorr? What do you think your so cute, you should have seen disinfection campaign mounted by my mother at home with Grandma included, all with their heads covered with a bag of mercadona as a gas chamber!

more information:

How is head lice in a child?

The head louse reaches and grabs a hair, where it feeds by sucking blood from the scalp. The females lay eggs (nits) that attach to hair like a "glue" is involved. The nit is white oval that is distinguished from dandruff because it is so seized and subject to hair. These eggs get the lice that will soon become adults and begin to itch and lay more eggs.

How can I prevent head lice?

lice move from one head to another very easily. Therefore, it is necessary to take some proper hygiene:
- Wash your hair frequently.
- daily combing and brushing hair.
- Frequently check the heads of children, mainly behind the ears and neck.
- Clean combs and brushes often.
- No exchange useful as combs, hats, rubber bands, pins, etc.

What to do if the child has lice?

If you notice the presence of head lice in children, do the following:
- Soak all hair and scalp with antiparasitic lotion, preferably of pyrethrins, you'll find in pharmacies. Do not wash your hair before applying the lotion. Nor should cover their heads with towels as they absorb the product. Only you can cover your head with a plastic cap. Be treated with shampoo or lotion louse only those who are infested. The indiscriminate use of these products in children is not recommended.
- Past 2 to 4 hours wash hair with normal shampoo or louse.
- Rinse with water and vinegar (one part vinegar to two parts water) to promote the removal of nits.
- Do not dry with hair dryer.
- After rinsing the hair to remove nits by hand or with a closely spaced tooth comb.
- Combs, and all kinds of hair ornaments immerse louse lotion an hour. The clothes, as well as towels, etc., Wash with hot water.
- All persons living in the affected child should be reviewed and, if necessary, treated in the same way.


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