Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Calcium Deposits Pelvis

Pilifs us

one day last summer and it seems we have used the holiday to have a good time. Looking for internet
I happened to visit a farm that is not far from here.
has proved to be a great idea. Raphael
it has passed from death, has seen a lot of animals and he has played. He has played with other children. A run barefoot through the grass and if you have to look for cars that do not come or anything ...
simply GREAT!

Now this comfortable napping well, and I do not tarry!

Le parc animalier

"Le parc est animalier in her décor fait la ferme d'animation. Sa area of \u200b\u200b3 hectares couvre un peu plus the moitié des terrains de la Ferme We Pilifs. Des chemins champêtres permettent de se promener entre les enclos et prairies parcellés et clôturés. Des zones boisées donnent l'ombre nécessaire aux promeneurs et aux animaux. Des mares sont autant de havres de vie pour les oiseaux, insectes, batraciens et autres petites bêtes venant s'abreuver.

A la Ferme Nos Pilifs on allie l'utile à l'agréable. Pour le plaisir, vous découvrez le parc animalier en famille. Le cheptel est composé de tous les genres d' animaux que l'on peut rencontrer dans une ferme : aussi bien la volaille que des mammifères de petite et grande tailles comme des ânes, des moutons, des cochons, des chevaux, des lapins, etc. Ils vivent in meadows bordered by the country roads that invite walking and relaxation. Some of them are fed to delight our taste buds. In grasslands, poultry run, and will spend is being stepped up for a meat tastier and firmer. The chickens give us their good colored eggs well .. All birds are fed with food prepared exclusively from cereals and oilseeds.

Our workers are friendly vis-à-vis animals and around the best care for the pleasure of the eyes and mouth. the zoo is open to the public year round . Admission is free . We simply ask visitors to respect animals and their environment.

message to visitors

We bring our pets everything they need to be healthy. Pelleted rations of hay and straw are adapted according to the seasons and the work they provide. We count on you, or not regular visitors to respect the health of our residents by not giving them anything else to eat!

Thanks for them!


You will find our farm animals that we have carefully selected and which come mostly from Belgium.

Redheads Ardennes

Large features

goats Donkeys Horses


Our poultry is raised using a traditional method that guarantees a high quality product tasting, cooking and sanitation. We control the chain from marketing from our breeding and until the consumer basket. The birds are presented each week store "ready to cook," charged or whole. On Saturday, we go out and offer our rotisserie chickens and plump golden wish!
The chicken

- enjoys a rearing period of minimum 12 weeks

- is fed a vegetable diet, rich in grains and oilseeds

- air runs out in

- is housed in spacious barns, disinfected and rested after each batch.

turkey and guinea fowl
They are available in season: Christmas turkey and guinea fowl in winter (October to March).
Fresh eggs
Every day (depending on the goodwill of layers) of fresh eggs are sold at the store.

more info


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