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Cíclido Púrpura o Kribensis
Cíclidos Familia (Cichlidae)
Orden Perciformes (Perca y Afines)
is a territorial cichlid pairs and relatively peaceful. It is an elongated fish flattened sides. Although their color may vary at the top flaps are usually brownish with blue or violet iridescence and lower yet are bluish white. |
this species in pairs in an aquarium endowed with lush vegetation, with caves and crevices among the roots. Composed of coarse gravel substrate decorated with abundant stones. Some authors recommend adding salt to the aquarium because they come from brackish water but can be kept in perfect condition in freshwater). This fish likes to dig but is respectful of the plants. Food
omnivore is preferably and willingly accepts the flakes and live food based on Daphnia, Cyclops and mosquito larvae. A good substitute and an excellent dietary supplement would be the frozen and lyophilized (on all the red larva).
different between sexes
Males are usually larger than females . Its dorsal and anal fins are pointed and its tail fin there is usually one to five dark spots, each with a pale yellow trim. Females on the contrary show a dark spot on dorsal fin. Females carry a more colorful than the male.
Association The Kribensis is a territorial fish defending its territory in father-mother couple. It is a fish highly recommended sociable and peaceful community aquarium populated by dwarf cichlids and other fish school of higher level. Playing
be moderately hard water and slightly acidic . Spawning takes place within a cave or shelter. Spawning takes place at the top of it. Females are more active during courtship. The female cares for the fry and the male guards the territory. The pups swim in shoals and should be kept with parents until they make a new start. If they are separated too soon the young male may become aggressive. (Posted between 200 and 300 eggs).
Degree of difficulty: beginner, advanced, experienced
Aficionado Beginner
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